
Update 1/10/2025


The site has been updated, and permissions restored to all user groups to begin adding/editing builds once again.

New Features:

  • Tags: replaced the “build type” with a more comprehensive tag system. the tag system is a closed one, but we are open to expanding it to include other tags. Tags can be used to filter ship builds in the shipyard. Tags are in 4 different categories.
    • Role: the role the ship plays in fleet actions.
    • Primary Firing mode: the firing mode the ship is built around. even if you have multiple firing modes, you should pick the one with the highest ranked seating in your bridge officers.
    • Energy Type: the primary flavor of your energy weapons.
    • Other: this will be reserved for a sorta “whatever tags” section.
  • Class Search: can now search by class on the shipyard page. The table will update and show only the relevant classes.
  • Filters: you can now filter ship builds using the tag system.
  • Ship Transfer: when you create a new ship build, you will be able to transfer one of your existing ship builds to another one. This only shows up if you have captains and those captains are assigned to ships.
  • New Doff page layout: the doff section was sorta quick addition before launch, so it was just throw together. i’ve revamped the UI for adding/editing/removing doffs from your build. There is also new options you can set for your doff, like gender/race/image. Note: we added about 300 different images for doff’s, but we don’t have all of them. We will be adding new ones in the future.
  • Captains random image: when creating a new captain, if you don’t upload a custom image, the system will try to assign one based on the gender/race of your captain, it will use the doff images. If it can not find a suitable image, it will use a green andorian from the TNG episode “offspring”.
  • Captain Bio: added the ability to added a captain’s bio. Note: this bio will be available to anyone to read.
  • Captain’s Bank: you can now added equipment to your captains bank. these items can be used on ship build’s that your captain is assigned too. So you can added a beam array of your choosing, set the rank/quality of it, along with modifiers, save it to your bank, and then that beam array will be available to all your ship builds with that captain assigned to them. You will still be able to search and add equipment from the ship builder page, but there will now be an option to save it to your bank. Note: the system will only allow you to have equipment with unique values (modifiers/rank/quality). You will be able to use whatever is in your bank multiple times, so there is only a need to have one of those items to begin with. You can have multiple’s of the same item, as long as they have unique values, so you could have 2 of the same beam array’s, as long as they have different rank/quality or modifiers. so example: Phaser Beam array XV epic 4 x dmg dmg/ac and you can also have Phase Beam array XV epic 4 x critD critD/dmg.
  • Bank Imported: all builds with captains, have had their equipment already added to their builds, added to their bank. Any future equipment will need to be manually added to your bank.
  • User Profile: each registered user will have their own profile page, that will show all their public viewable ships and captains. this link can be shared with others, so they can see your builds and captains. The link to his profile will be at the top of the shipyard and captain’s loung.
  • Completion Total/Report: in an effort to help us better understand how the shipbuilder is being used, and to help you understand where we rank the importance of the data being filled in, we have created the “Completion Report/Total” the total will show on the shipyard’s table, and the report can be accessed in ship view. Any ship build that is below an x percentage for more than 6 months, will automatically be deleted starting next month.


  • adding captains to a ship build is now a permanent addition. When you add a captain to a build now, it will ask if you to confirm the choice when you save it,
  • Ship upgrades are now also permanent, once you upgrade a ship to t5u/t5x/t5x2/t6x/t6x2, once set, you wont be able to change it.
  • t5x2 was added awhile ago, but it was never advertised.
  • t4 and below. we allow ships to be built of any of the tiers, but t4 and below will have a few restrictions that that game also imposes, like no starship traits.
  • UI/Responsive/Speed Improvements: a lot of effort has gone into making the site easier to use, more responsive for mobile devices and increase its overall speed. This includes tweaks to the over all theme. Making some colors brighter, and converting most if not all the images we use to webp over png/jpg.
  • Captain/Ship views change. Made several improvements to the UI of the individual views of these two.
  • More Sortable Options in captain’s lounge & shipyard table. before there were limited options for sorting the tables, but now most of the columns can be sorted on.
  • Registration: we’ve had to put restrictions on registration. we are currently blocking @yahoo.com and @*.info and a few other TLD’s that are well known to be used by spammers. We have also implemented a robot captcha and a few security questions to be asked. User/Display names are also have restrictions on them, so be sensible. If you are not a spammer and for whatever reason ONLY have a blocked TLD email, please contact me on reddit, CodingJungle (u/codingjungle) – Reddit or at bugs@terranimperialguard.com, I will create you an account.

I’m sure there might be something I am forgetting. It has been a pretty big update that has been a long time coming. Thanks to everyone for coming here, registering, putting up with my oops’s here and there and using the site.